Roslagsbanan, train from 1934 with a guide (1)
This is a train built in 1934 and used up until the 1990s - and in this version of the soundscape there is a crowd going with the train alongside a guide. The wear of the trains long life can be seen in some parts of the train - the metal stairs for walking in and out of the train has been almost hollowed up by the countless feet that has used them. Roslagsbanan is a railroad that is quite unique in Sweden since it is the only narrow gauge railroad still in commercial use. Most of the tracks are also single; which also can be seen as unique given that thousands of people use it everyday.
Special thanks to Hans Lindblom who drives the train and has given me a lot of information regarding the technical specifications of the train (which unfortunately cannot be done justice in a translation by me). He also let me tag along back to from the train started, so that I could record its sound while empty.
Photo and recording by Erik Pålsson.
429.5 MB
9 min 19 s
2 (Stereo)
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
6144 kb/s
0 bit
Recorded on July 28, 2018
Railroad Roslagsbanan
Stockholm, SWEDEN
Creative Commons License