Summer services VI: Song of Zion
Summer services (Suviseurat in Finnish) is the annual meeting of Conservative Laestadian movement. Leastadians are part of the Finnish Lutheran Church.
Summer services is the biggest spiritual meeting in Finland and one of the biggest summer festivals gathering somewhat 80000 people every year.
The four day program consist of sermons, hymns and the songs of Zion. The program is transmitted with the aid of loudspeakers all over the 270 acres festival area.
In 2018 Summer services were held in Äänekoski.
Songs of Zion is a songbook that laestadians use in their gatherings. Hymns and songs are being sung in between the sermons. First edition of the songbook was released in 1916 and the latest edition is from 2016.
Sound, photo : Antti Makkonen