Klima combustion engine
The sound of Klima engine in operation. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa (Poland).
The engine was used for performing agricultural works: pumping water, powering sieving equipment and small mills. The device is mounted on a trolley, as it was transported from one farm to the other. In order to reduce maintenance costs, several farmers used to buy and share one engine, or a wealthier farmer owned it and would rent to his neighbors.
Manufacturer: Machine and Motor Factory in Brno, Czechoslovakia
Year of manufacture: 1926
Sound recordist: Monika Widzicka
Photographer: Piotr Leszczyński
Video recordist: Piotr Leszczyński
51.2 MB
4 min 50 s
2 (Stereo)
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
1411 kb/s
16 bit
Recorded on June 25, 2015
National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry
Szreniawa, POLAND
Creative Commons License