Motor-powered Past, Stationary engine (petrol-kerosene)
Model: Type 2
Manufactured by: Massey Harris, Toronto
Origin: Canada
Year of manufacture: 1923
Engine output: 3 hp
Rated speed: 600 rpm
Type of engine: four-stroke petrol kerosene
The cultivation and processing of grain has always been the most important task on a farm. Silvo Čemažar from the village Novaki in the area of Cerkno comes from a farm with 200 years of tradition, engaged in both agriculture and stockbreeding, where all the generations invested their efforts in performing harvesting and threshing most efficiently, hence they were familiar with the technological development of farm machinery.
At various museum and tourist events, Mr Čemažar demonstrates the operation of the tools and machinery from his collection.
In June 2018, on the demonstration called “Motor-powered Past” held at the Technical Museum of Slovenia in Bistra near Vrhnika, he showed different methods of grain threshing: with a flail, a hand-powered thresher, an animal-driven capstan, a thresher powered by a petrol engine which was replaced by an electric motor.
Sound recordist: Boštjan Troha
Photographer: Katarina Batagelj
Video recordist: Katarina Batagelj
Interview: Katarina Batagelj
28.4 MB
1 min 14 s
2 (Stereo)
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
3072 kb/s
16 bit
84 dB
Recorded on June 5, 2018
Technical museum of Slovenia
Borovnica, Vrhnika, SLOVENIA
Creative Commons License