Coal Mine Prosper Haniel XIX – Loading the Material-Hoist
In December 2018 Prosper Haniel, the last active coal mine of the Ruhr area, was closed down. Before the end “Sounds of Changes”-project worker Konrad Gutkowski had a last chance to document its disappearing sounds.
The coal mine in Bottrop was founded in 1856. Regular mining began in 1863 with about 60.000 tons of coal per year. Until 2016 it reached a depth of 1240 metres and mined 1.8 Million tons of coal per year. During the “Wirtschaftswunder” in the 1950s up to 12.000 coal miners worked at Prosper Haniel. Structural change and the decline of coal mining began in the late 1960s. Due to high production costs in Germany coal has been increasingly imported from China, India and the USA. One after the other the coal mines in the Ruhr area were closed down.
Material as well as tools have to be transported in and out of the mine. This is a recording of coal miners loading one of the pit cages with tools and wagons with mining materials.
Sound: Jens Meißburger
Photo: Jochen Balke (Sirius Images)
60.7 MB
3 min 30 s
2 (Stereo)
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
2304 kb/s
32 bit
Recorded on April 11, 2018
Prosper Haniel
Bottrop, GERMANY
Creative Commons License