The sound of steel hardening after pilgrim rolling.
After the termination of pilgrim rolling, certain alloys have to be air-cooled in steps based on rolling...
This machine was owned by the Facit company in Åtvidaberg. At the peak there were about 100 machines of this kind with different manufactures and one...
Forge press at the axe smithy at Hults bruk, Norrköping, Sweden.
This recording was made with a close mono mic at the first stage of the process. The...
Battery operated transfer car brings CTMP-bales (=Chemo Thermo Mechanical Pulp -bales) to the chain transporter. Bales move automatically to the pulper...
The beaming machine of the type W. Schlafhorst & Co. from 1939 was used in the textile industry. This machine develops warp beams for the warp threads....
Start, run and stop.
Flat belts were widely used in the 19th and early 20th centuries in line shafting to transmit power in factories. A belt is a loop...
The sound of a billet being descaled.
Shot blasting machines are used for descaling billets in readiness for the next operation, which is rolling. Descaling...