Your search for resulted in 273 hits.
  • Finnish Sauna Part III: Filling the Water Tank

    The bathing water is heated in a metal tank that is located in it’s own compartment of Kiuas. In the audio you can hear the sound that the water makes...
  • Finnish Sauna Part II: Lighting the Stove (kiuas)

    Sauna in it’s form known in the western world, originates From Finland. In Finland alone there were 3,2 million saunas (in 2013), which is a considerable...
  • Finnish Sauna Part I: Gathering Water from the Lake

    Water is essential part of Sauna. It is used for bathing and also ”löyly” for which there is not a good translation. Most commonly used translation...
  • Pajatso Slot Machine

    Slot machines are popular past time in Finland. They can be found on almost every store and gas station. Probably the most legendary slot machine is called...
  • Tampere Bus Station

    When Tampere bus station was built in 1938, it was the largest and most modern bus terminal of the Nordic countries. During the 1950’s and the 1960’s...
  • Malfunctioning Elevator

    In the audio you can hear the steady high pitched alarm sound of a malfunctioning elevator of The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas. The sound can also be...
  • City of Tampere Main Library Metso

    Main library Metso is one of Tampere’s most famous landmarks. Unique building is located in Hämeenpuisto park in central Tampere. It is one of the most...
  • Quadcopter (drone)

    Quadcopters became popular in the early 2010s and since then companies have created newer and cheaper drones. Nowadays quadcopters (or drones) are most...
  • Videocassette Recorder

    The Video Home System (VHS) was the standard for consumer-level analog video recording on tape cassettes. JVC released the first VHS machines in japan...
  • Särkänniemi Amusement Park

    Särkänniemi is an amusement park situated in the north side of Tampere’s center. The park was opened in the early 1970s and it had an aquarium, a planetarium,...
  • Bicycling on a Gravel Road

    In Tampere there is a park called Sorsapuisto that has a gravel walkway which goes around a little lake, where people like to walk and ride the bikes during...
  • Old Bicycle

    A bit rusty, but well working bicycle. In the audio you can hear changing of the gears and the pedals of the bike. The audio was recorded in the underpass...