Your search for resulted in 273 hits.
  • Tram Worksite in Hämeenkatu

    The City council of Tampere decided about the construction of the tramway on 7 November 2016. A two-lane tramway will be built from Pyynikintori to...
  • Tampere Christmas Market

    The Tampere Christmas Market has been arranged since 2008. It is a market area that is maintained for almost a month at December. The Christmas Market...
  • Tampere Market Hall at Christmas Time

    Tampere Market Hall is located in the city centre in Tampere. It is the largest market hall in the Nordic countries. Market Hall was designed by architect...
  • Freeze in Tampere Central Square

    On January 23 was -15 celsius degrees outside in the city centre of Tampere. In the video the frosted snow is making a scrunching voice under the shoes...
  • Sliding at Shrovetide

    Shrovetide is celebrated February 13. In a church-like sense, The Shrovetide is seven weeks before the Easter holiday to be celebrated. The idea of...
  • Setting Fire to the Masonry Heater

    Near Tampere railway station stands in 1920 built residential brick building called Lompanlinna. Lompanlinna was originally built for railwaymen but today...
  • Demonstration Against the Active Model

    The active model for unemployment benefits was put into effect on 1 January 2018 in Finland. unemployed person will be required to report his job-seeking...
  • Presidential Election Stands at Central Square

    Finland has a presidential election every six years, in which a President of Finland is elected in two rounds on the basis of a direct popular vote. Presidential...
  • Frenckell Factory at 12 am

    A Clock tower placed In the Tampere central square that is part of the formal Frenckell Paper Factory. It was the first paper factory In Finland owning...
  • Prospector panning gold in Lapland

    The most important tool for a gold prospector is the pan. It is used to separate gold from the concentrate of other heavy minerals and materials. In a...
  • Gold prospector with a sluice box

    Finnish Lapland is one of the few places in Europe, where there is enough gold to be found using just shovel and pan to make it worthwhile. Gold was...
  • Waterbath for aerosol cans

    Made in 2001 by Comes, Maschinenbau AG Switzerland. Type: Eco 50-R. The waterbath is used to ensure that the seals of the cans are airtight. In the...