Your search for resulted in 273 hits.
  • Walk-behind Lawn Mower

    In this recording you can hear the basic modern gasoline powered lawn mower that can be found in many households. These so called ”push mowers”...
  • Ride-on Lawn Mower

    n the recording you can hear the so called ”ride-on” lawn mower. These kinds of lawn mowers are typically used with larger areas of grass and by property...
  • Filling up the Fuel Tank

    In the recording you can hear the filling of a car fuel tank. In the background there is heavy traffic with cars and trucks passing by. Sound, photo,...
  • Herättäjäjuhlat IV: Grilling Sausages

    Grilled sausages are very traditional Finnish festival and summer food. They are sold at sports events, music festivals and other gatherings. In the audio...
  • Herättäjäjuhlat III: Offerings

    In the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland it is common to give offerings. at Herättäjäjuhlat festival the offerings are also gathered. You can pay...
  • Herättäjäjuhlat II: The Speech of Laura Malmivaara and Zion’s Hymn

    Finnish actor Laura Malmivaara gives a speech about separation and family at Herättäjäjuhlat festival in Tampere. After the speech the audience sings...
  • Herättäjäjuhlat I: Missionary Worker’s speech

    A missionary worker gives a speech at Herättäjäjuhlat festival in Tampere. The festival is the annual gathering of the religious Awakening movement....
  • Farm Bell

    Farm bells were used in the farm houses to call workers to eat from the nearby fields. The bells were also used to warn about fires and other emergencies. The...
  • Fordson Major Diesel Tractor from 1955

    The blue Fordson Major tractors were very popular in Finland from 1940’s until 1960’s. 90% of Finnish tractors were Fordson Majors during that period....
  • Four Stationary Engines from 1940’s

    Stationary engines were common in Finland especially in the countryside. They were used to power up for example farm machines and mills. Usually the...
  • Steam Locomotives VR1 665 & Tk3 1132

    In the recording you can hear a museum train leaving from the platform in Äänekoski. The train is pulled by two steam locomotives: Vr1 665 manufactured...
  • Summer services VII: The Store

    Summer services (Suviseurat in Finnish) is the annual meeting of Conservative Laestadian movement. Leastadians are part of the Finnish Lutheran Church. Summer...