bakery baking bread bread oven craftsman food Lanckorona Workshop

Bakery: rearranging bread loaves (5)

The sound of rearranging bread loaves in the ceramic bread oven. The recording was realized in the Siwek Bakery in Lanckorona (Poland). In this bakery, the bread is produced basing on traditional recipes and in accordance with artisanal technologies.
The first stage of the baking process includes placing bread dough in hot lower chambers of the bread oven, where the temperature reaches over 200 degrees Celsius. The baker determines the temperature according to how the oven interior looks like. The bread remains in such conditions for a short time. Then it is placed in the upper chamber of the oven where the temperature is lower. This chamber is heated only with smoke and the temperature reaches ca. 150 degrees Celsius. Bread baking time depends on its weight and may oscillate between 40 and 90 minutes.

Sound recordist: Monika Widzicka
Photographer: Iwo Wachowicz
Video recordist: Iwo Wachowicz


11.9 MB
2 min 14 s
1 (Mono)
Sample rate:
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
44.1 kHz
705 kb/s
16 bit

Recorded on April 15, 2015
Siwek Bakery
Lanckorona, POLAND
Creative Commons License