Police – handcuffs
Handcuffs closed. Handcuffs are restraint devices designed to secure an individual's wrists close together. They comprise two parts, linked together by a chain. Belgian police carry them and use them to prevent suspected criminals from escaping.
The federal police is in charge of both specialized and supralocal law enforcement operations and specialized criminal investigation operations. The force is also tasked with delivering support to the local police forces. The federal police concists of approximately 12,300 personnel members (civilian and operational staff).
Each local police chief is responsible for the execution of local law enforcement policy and ensures the management, organization and distribution of missions in the local police force. We have interviewed a patrol of two officers from the « Brussels west » district.
5.6 MB
31 s
2 (Stereo)
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1415 kb/s
16 bit
Recorded on June 18, 2015
Brussels, BELGIUM
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