Drilling Grinding mechanical workshop Milling machine

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Kunaver’s mechanical metalworking workshop, Lathe 700

Floor dimensions: 1380 mm x 700 mm (length x width)
Weight: about 280 kg
Peak distance: 700 mm
Maximum turning diameter: 220 mm above the bed (350 mm above the bed without bridge)
Speed: 60 - 750 rpm
Drive: 0.74 kW electric motor
The lathe is called 700, with a distance of 700 mm between the lathes. It was designed and manufactured in 1941 and 1942. The basic structural starting point was the production of a universal machine in a workshop that will be precise, medium in size and weight and will provide as wide a range of threads and feeds as possible. They made two such lathes. Back in 2001, they both worked, one in the workshop in Rožna dolina and the other in the workshop in Dravlje. For more than 50 years of operation, this lathe has proven to be extremely useful in both workshops. We can undoubtedly classify this lathe as one of the most successful machine products of the Kunaver Fine Mechanical Workshop.
Kunaver's mechanical metalworking workshop has been operating since 1928 in Rožna dolina in Ljubljana. Her machine park, however, has been changing over the decades. In order to be able to operate at all in this family workshop, individual machines were designed and manufactured by themselves, or purchased and reworked to fit the nature and scope of the work. Some machines from the first half of the 20th century have been preserved to this day, others have been sold. After the workshop was closed ing. Janez Kunaver donated some of the machines to the Technical Museum of Slovenia.

Sound recordist: Boštjan Troha
Photographer: Jaka Blasutto
Sound recordist: Boštjan Troha
Photographer: Jaka Blasutto
Video: Jaka Blasutto, Katarina Batagelj


45.9 MB
1 min 59 s
2 (Stereo)
Sample rate:
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
96 kHz
3072 kb/s
16 bit
75 dB

Recorded on February 19, 2019
Ljubljana, Rožna dolina
Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Creative Commons License
Sounds Of Changes

Sounds Of Changes
