aerosols sprays

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Labeling machine

Made in 2006 by Etipack.

The labeling machine attaches the labels to the cans. Each can gets its own label from the label tape roll.

Taerosol Oy is a Finnish firm manufacturing technical aerosols for electronics and industries. They have three aerosol series, PRF, CarEvi and First1 - product families for industry and professionals but also for consumer usage.

The sounds come from manufacturing cleaning sprays. The process includes 7 phases. At first, the valve feeding machine feeds the valves to empty cans that move with a transport belt to the aerosol filling machine. Since the cleaning spray doesn’t need any active gases, only chosen propellant is added. The aerosol filling machine adds the valves and the gases and secures the valves at the same machine. After that, the cans move to the waterbath for checking and then to the cap fitting. The labels are taped, the extra straws are added, and then the cans are packed to boxes and the boxes are taped shut.
There are strict security measurements in aerosol production and, for example, the warehouses need to be explosion proof spaces.

Sound recordist: Maasa Järvinen
Video recordist: Kimmo Kestinen
Photographer: Leena Ahonen


9.1 MB
51 s
2 (Stereo)
Sample rate:
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
44.1 kHz
1411 kb/s
16 bit
73 dB

Recorded on February 17, 2015
Taerosol Oy
Kangasala, FINLAND
Creative Commons License
Sounds Of Changes

Sounds Of Changes
