One Billion Rising Bochum II – Speech
One Billion Rising is a worldwide protest campaign that intents to take a stand against violence against women. Each year on 14th of February the campaign calls to action for V-Day. Action in that case means a protest or strike that uses dance as a form of expression to signal power and unity.
There are also many cities in Germany that take part in the protest. This recording was made at a One Billion Rising protest in front of Schauspielhaus Bochum. One of the protesters is giving a speech in which she explains the motivation of the campaign and asks the other protesters to continue their fight. The speech is accompanied by drums, applause and supportive whistles.
Sound and photo: Kathinka Engels
The protest also has a signature song “Break the Chain” by Tena Clark. On V-Day the protesters dance to that song. However, due to copyright issues we cannot upload the song into the database.
60.1 MB
1 min 44 s
2 (Stereo)
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
4608 kb/s
32 bit
Recorded on February 14, 2018
Creative Commons License