Sounds recorded as the water goes through carbon filters. Filtration on a bed with active carbon improves the colour and taste of water, and also removes...
The sound of the sand filter aeration process was recorded in the intermediate pumping station in the filter building. At this point, water which has been...
The sounds recorded at the completion of the aeration and rinsing process of the filter bed in the sand filter building. The filtered water is then pumped...
After aeration and rinsing of the filter, the impurities and the backwash go into the pipes and then into the desludger. The recording includes the sound...
The sound was recorded in the course of rinsing the sand filter bed.
The recording was made at the Rudawa Water Treatment Plant, which is part of Krakow...
The sound was recorded in the course of aerating the sand filter.
Water from the settling tank where most suspended matter was removed, goes into the...
The sounds of slow mixers in the coagulation building. The slow mixers consist of eight chambers fitted with two slow agitators with rotation speed regulation....
The sounds of high-speed mixers in the coagulation building. Rapid mixers are used to quickly dissolve the dosed coagulant (poly-aluminium chloride) in...
The operation of pumps which dose the raw water coagulant in the coagulation building. The raw water from the intake on the Rudawa River is pumped into...
In December 2018 Prosper Haniel, the last active coal mine of the Ruhr area, was closed down. Before the end “Sounds of Changes”-project worker Konrad...