The active model for unemployment benefits was put into effect on 1 January 2018 in Finland.
unemployed person will be required to report his job-seeking...
Finland has a presidential election every six years, in which a President of Finland is elected in two rounds on the basis of a direct popular vote. Presidential...
A Clock tower placed In the Tampere central square that is part of the formal Frenckell Paper Factory.
It was the first paper factory In Finland owning...
The sound of traffic in the 21st Century. In not so many years this sound might be gone for good. When The electric car has taken over; how will our traffic...
Transmission system at Göteborgs Remfabrik.
The Transmission system at Göteborgs Remfabrik runs looms and winding machines. It is original from when...
Singer sewing machine
Singer sewing machine at Götebortgs Remfabrik. Age is unknown, but the sewing machine might be from the factory's beginning in...
Loom for straps at Göteborgs Remfabrik.
Manufacture: Robert Hall & Sons, 1939.
Göteborgs remfabrik originally produced straps for transmission systems....
This is an electrical typewriter from 1988 manufactured by IBM. You use the keyboard to type in what you want the typewrite to type for you. The text can...
Recorded early in the afternoon in the shopping mall "Gränden" in Linköping Sweden. Subtle sounds but still busy surroundings. A Christmas soundscape....
Soundscape of Christmas shopping recorded in one of Krakow’s shopping malls. The sound was recorded in the lobby of Galeria Krakowska – it’s a shopping...