Sound of the fan.
The projector used in the Nova is an Italian Cinemeccanica projector, Victoria 9 model, one of the last models produced by this firm....
Thirty-five mm films are delivered on several reels of about twenty minutes duration. These have to be transferred onto larger reels, and the films are...
The sound of welding.
Before the electroslag remelting (ESR) process starts, a consumable wire electrode is first welded to a special holder (PIN) that...
The sound of a Pegas ingot cutting saw manufactured by Herkules, Czech Republic.
In electroslag remelting (ESR), the cutting saws are used to remove...
The sound of mould grinding.
In the recording, a member of the maintenance staff is repairing an ingot mould with a handheld grinding machine.
The sound of a UHP furnace.
An electric arc furnace manufactured by Fuchs, with a capacity of 45t, power 36 MVA. The furnace serves to melt steel scrap,...
The sound of adding scrap metal to a UHP furnace.
An electric arc furnace manufactured by Fuchs, with a capacity of 45t, power 36 MVA. The furnace serves...
The sound of a torch cutting machine.
The scrap steel delivered to the plant is cut down to a maximum length of 1.5m
Metal Ravne is the legal successor...
The sound of steel and alloy scrap being loaded.
The grab bucket can be used for lifting and loading any type of scrap steel, but in particular is good...
The sound of steel and alloy scrap being loaded.
The grab bucket can be used for lifting and loading any type of scrap steel, but in particular is good...
The sound of emptying steel scrap from a truck.
The steel scrap is supplied to the plant most usually by lorry. The scrap is emptied from a skip truck...