The sound of a bridge crane.
A bridge (overhead) crane is used to handle heavy loads in the plant. The loads are first wrapped with a chain or steel cable...
The sound of a two-chain conveyor operating in the mine. It was used for the conveying of coal extracted from the coalface and for bringing in the filling...
The sound of water percolating through the bed rock into the mine galleries. A number of mine structures (such as pits, shafts and sloping structures)...
The sound of a wardrobe chain lowering and raising in pithead baths in a coalmine. A peculiarity of this mine are the unusual wardrobe arrangements; at...
The sound of a pneumatic pick hammer hacking into the coalface. It was manufactured by Ravne Ironworks in 2005. It is used as modern replacement for the...
The sound of a pneumatic drill in operation. It was manufactured by Ravne Ironworks in 2005. It is used to drill relatively short holes into very hard...
The sound of a battery locomotive in motion. The train is used in the transportation of miners in and out of the coalmine. The locomotive is operated by...
The sound of a telephone located near the coalface. It was manufactured by Tevel, Teve Varnost, Zagorje, Slovenia, in 1990. The long distances between...
The sound of a submersible pump in operation in a coalmine. It is a Bibi 3 model pump manufactured by Flyft, USA, in 1993. This 3kW pump with a capacity...
The sound of a rotating ventilation fan in operation. It was manufactured by Tevel, Teve Varnost Elektronika, Zagorje, Slovenia, in 1997. It is powered...
The sound of the electronic device used for the measurement of toxic gases in a mine. Manufactured by Oldham, UK, 2005. It is a small, portable device...
The sound of the Bedia diesel locomotive in motion within the coal mine. It is a special version of a typical mine locomotive used for the transportation...