The hot rolling of crude steel billets in the hot rolling mill of the Stahlwerk (steelworks) of Thyssen-Krupp in Duisburg can be heard on the recording.
The sound of polishing wood with sandpaper. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa...
On the recording, a sizing press can be heard processing crude steel billets in the hot rolling mill of the Stahlwerk (steelworks) of Thyssen-Krupp in...
The pusher furnace is in use at the hot rolling mill in the Stahlwerk (steelworks) of Thyssen-Krupp in Duisburg. In the hot rolling mill the so-called...
The sound of cutting wood with handsaw. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa (Poland).
On the recording one can hear the work process of a blast furnace (year of construction 1963, modernized in 2013) at Thyssen-Krupp Steelworks being tapped.
The sound of wood chiseling. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa (Poland).
The steam engine, a product of the company Übigau in Dresden, is a three-cylinder compound engine with 55 horsepower. It is a component of the steamship...
When mining coal or other minerals took the miners ever deeper into the ground, it became necessary to ventilate the shaft, in other words to supply sufficient...
The sound of wood planing. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa (Poland).
The pneumatic lamp presumably was used in the Ruhr-area coal mining industry as an underground source of light in the 1940s. Today it belongs to the LWL-Industrial...
The pneumatically driven hammer drill by the manufacturer Flottmann-Werke drills holes into soft or medium-hard rock (for detonations, for example). It...