The sounds of animals in the shed. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa (Poland).
The sounds of ducks, geese and hens. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa (Poland).
The sound of wagon on the pavement. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa (Poland).
The sound of shod horse running on the pavement. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa...
The sound of the tractor Lanz Buldog HL 12 in operation. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry...
The sound of the tractor Lanz Buldog HL 12 in operation. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry...
The sound of powering mill in operation. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa (Poland).
The fire department bell is a component of a two-axled fire engine from the end of the 19th century. It was used to signal the right of way acoustically...
TThe tone sequence siren (German: Martinshorn) is a component of the fire engine/water tanker Magirus F Mercur 125, built in 1961. The vehicle was originally...
The sound of grinding grains in quern-stones. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa...
Before this police whistle from the 1980s was included in the historical collection of the Essen police, it had long been an integral part of the police...