central station construction Komatsu WA470 logistic Stuttgart 21 Transport tunnels Warning signal wheeled loader

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Stuttgart 21 X: Wheeled Loader at Logistics Centre

Stuttgart 21 is one of the biggest construction projects in Germany. It includes the underground construction of a new central station for the city of Stuttgart as well as the creation of a new network of tracks and tunnels that allows high speed trains to pass in the area, possibly reduces travelling times and connects Stuttgart to international transport networks. It is conducted by Deutsche Bahn and co-financed by public money.
However, despite enthusiasm from its founders and the industry, the project has been heavily criticised. Not only has it become much more expensive than expected, but there are also doubts about the efficiency and safety of the new central station as well as about the actual benefit of the high speed tracks. Moreover, the construction fuelled protests and many discussions on protected buildings and nature reserves within the city such as historic parks.
At the logistics centre enormous masses of building materials are transported from and to the various construction sites over the city. While most transport runs on tracks wheeled loaders are used to load the carriages. In this recording you can hear the wheeled loader Komatsu WA470. The sounds are made by its motor and the tires. When it moves backwards a croaking warning signal resounds. Its original beeping warning signal was changed for the much deeper croaking sound as this was deemed less disturbing for the residents.

Sound: Kathinka Engels
Photo and Video: Konrad Gutkowski


60.5 MB
1 min 45 s
2 (Stereo)
Sample rate:
Bit rate:
Bit depth:
96 kHz
4608 kb/s
32 bit

Recorded on March 12, 2018
Stuttgart, GERMANY
Creative Commons License
Sounds Of Changes

Sounds Of Changes