The sound of forming bread loaves. The recording was realized in the Siwek Bakery in Lanckorona (Poland). In this bakery, the bread is produced basing...
The sound of kneading the dough in a spiral mixer. The recording was realized in the Siwek Bakery in Lanckorona (Poland). In this bakery, the bread is...
The sound of putting bread loaves into the ceramic bread oven. The recording was realized in the Siwek Bakery in Lanckorona (Poland). In this bakery, the...
The sound of rearranging bread loaves in the ceramic bread oven. The recording was realized in the Siwek Bakery in Lanckorona (Poland). In this bakery,...
Grilled sausages are very traditional Finnish festival and summer food. They are sold at sports events, music festivals and other gatherings. In the audio...
The Market Hall in Lund first opened in 1909. The market Hall offers a wide variety of different foods and also delicacies. Manly you buy foods like cheese...
Summer services (Suviseurat in Finnish) is the annual meeting of Conservative Laestadian movement. Leastadians are part of the Finnish Lutheran Church.
Tampere Market Hall is located in the city centre in Tampere. It is the largest market hall in the Nordic countries. Market Hall was designed by architect...