16 sounds with tag handicraft
  • Blacksmith’s anvil

    The metal piece is now red and can be hammered, but no more than two minutes, otherwise it cools. The blacksmith usually works in the dim light so he could...

  • Blower of the forge

    Iron Working requires to heat up a piece of metal to a high temperature so it becomes easier to shape it by forging. A forge typically uses bituminous...

  • Chisel on the dam (lutherie)

    The joint bars are sided with the chisel, which allow to remove a lot of material quickly. The Luthier lightens the bars and gives them an ogival profile....

  • Collage (lutherie)

    The boards are glued together to form the soundboard. The method used here is Spanish: the boards are strung together with a series of corners and glue....

  • Finishing of the join with sandpaper (lutherie)

    A block and sandpaper are used for the seam glue that allows the two boards to form the soundboard. Sebastian has been working as a luthier for the...

  • Honing the planer (lutherie)

    The blade is sharpened on two stones, one with a large, and the other with a smaller grain. The stone is moistened with water. The angle used should be...

  • Joining (lutherie)

    Finishing with the plane of the join between the two boards, which will form the soundboard. Sebastian has been working as a luthier for the past 13...

  • Lacemaking – Bobbins

    Lace is an openwork fabric, patterned with open holes in the work, made by machine or by hand. Lace is often made with cotton thread, although linen and...

  • Lacemaking – packing

    Packing : the pins are stitched on the pattern on the pillow to indicate the many changes of direction in the lace making. Lace is an openwork fabric,...

  • Lacemaking – pulling

    Pins are pulled out of the pillow when the waving is completed. Lace is an openwork fabric, patterned with open holes in the work, made by machine or...

  • Lacemaking – pushing

    Pins are pushed down on the pillow. Lace is an openwork fabric, patterned with open holes in the work, made by machine or by hand. Lace is often made...

  • Luthier plane

    Finishing with the luthier plane of joint bars. The sound will change accordingly. Sebastian has been working as a luthier for the past 13 years. He...

Sounds Of Changes

Sounds Of Changes