The electric riveting machine manufactured by Adam Baumüller GmbH in the 1980s is used to mount the knife blade onto the knife handle with rivets. To...
The rod cutter from the 1920s cuts approximately 3m long steel rods into accurately dimensioned pieces, called “pins” which can then be bent into chain...
Recording 1, at Olofsfors Iron Works.
Iron rods are rolled into a link shape package.
Before welding the chain the workers have to cut the package into...
In the 1920s the saw blade sharpening machine sharpened the circular saws in the Jacob Döring Tool Factory in Hagen (Germany, North Rihe-Westphalia)....
The “Feinpließtbock” from the 1910s is an electric sharpening machine which is used, generally by trained operators, to create a special finish (precision-grinding)...
In a hot rolling mill the process of hot rolling is carried out, a metalworking process in steel production: rolling at high temperatures makes possible...
On the recording one can hear the cooling zone in the hot rolling mill of the Stahlwerk (steelworks) of Thyssen-Krupp in Duisburg. In the hot rolling mill...
The hot rolling of crude steel billets in the hot rolling mill of the Stahlwerk (steelworks) of Thyssen-Krupp in Duisburg can be heard on the recording.
The pusher furnace is in use at the hot rolling mill in the Stahlwerk (steelworks) of Thyssen-Krupp in Duisburg. In the hot rolling mill the so-called...
On the recording, a sizing press can be heard processing crude steel billets in the hot rolling mill of the Stahlwerk (steelworks) of Thyssen-Krupp in...