A coke-crushing mill used to prepare the material for smelting in a small furnace. It is of unknown origin, but based on its design was most likely manufactured...
Sound of the floating mill in operation (grinding stones).
The mill is mounted on two interconnected floating platforms (boats) and can be moved up or...
Sound of the floating mill in operation (grinding stones).
The mill has a floating water wheel whilst the grinding stones are located in the mill-house...
Sound of the water wheel of the floating mill on the Island of Love.
The mill is mounted on two interconnected floating platforms (boats) and can be moved...
Sound of the water wheel of the floating mill .
The mill has a floating water wheel whilst the grinding stones are located in the mill-house on the riverbank....
Olive milling in the restored olive mill known as Tonina Hiša (Tona's House), Istria, western Slovenia. In the sound recording, a museum employee manually...