Used to cut the lid and bottom into a circle. An oblique blade cut a round cap while a planer blades phasing of underside of the lid.
Manufactured by...
Sawing tree-trunks in the forest near the railway lines close to Ljubljana.
The worker is using a Stihl Rollomatic E-type chainsaw manufactured in Germany....
Decorating a Christmas tree is a traditional festive custom in many countries, including Slovenia. In the past, people in rural areas used to go to into...
The horizontal gang saw, produced by the machine factory A. Goede in Berlin in 1908, currently stands in the Sawmill Remblinghausen (Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia)....
The sound of a Pegas ingot cutting saw manufactured by Herkules, Czech Republic.
In electroslag remelting (ESR), the cutting saws are used to remove...
First cut is a hollow square iron
Second cut is a 30 millimetres massive rectangular iron
AB Sandéns mekaniska verkstad, Värnamo
Saw & Theremin duo performing at Tekotaiteellisen paskan festivaali (roughly translatable to Festival of Pseudo-artistic Crap). The event is part of traditional...
In this recording all three frame saws are working at the same time.
It takes 4-5 days to saw through the block of marble.
The saw blades have no teeth....
Sound scape
Stone frame saw beat!
Three stone frame saws working at the same time.
Recorded at Borghamns Stenförädling AB, Borghamn, a family business...
The sound of cutting wood with handsaw. The recording was realized in the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa (Poland).