10 sounds with tag Square
  • Demonstration Against the Active Model

    The active model for unemployment benefits was put into effect on 1 January 2018 in Finland. unemployed person will be required to report his job-seeking...

  • Freeze in Tampere Central Square

    On January 23 was -15 celsius degrees outside in the city centre of Tampere. In the video the frosted snow is making a scrunching voice under the shoes...

  • Knäppingsborg Christmas shopping soundscape.

    This is the sound of a quite popular market area in central Norrköping, and there is a bustling crowd ready to go shopping! ...or lack thereof. The...

  • Laukontori

    Laukontori is a town square located south from Central Square in Tampere. The square is famous for its food and coffee stands, the fish markets and its...

  • Pro Freight Station Demonstration

    Pro Freight Station -movement organized a demonstration that was held at January 12 on the Friday morning 9 am at Frenckell Square in Tampere. January...

  • Soundscapes of Norrköping (1)

    This is the soundscape from one of the central squares in Norrköping, called Skvallertorget. Around the square there generally is a lot of traffic, with...

  • Soundscapes of Norrköping (6)

    Once again moving upwards towards the central of Norrköping, one walks past Rådhuset - the Town Hall built in 1910 and is quite beautiful. Outside the...

  • Soundscapes of Norrköping (7)

    On the other side of the square Tyska Torget, a church can be found. Outside the soundscape is quite different from the stop for public transportation;...

  • Soundscapes of Stockholm (1)

    Sergels Torg is a place in Stockholm which many people associate with everything that is not construction work; street musicians, a bustling crowd always...

  • Tampere Christmas Market

    The Tampere Christmas Market has been arranged since 2008. It is a market area that is maintained for almost a month at December. The Christmas Market...

Sounds Of Changes

Sounds Of Changes