The fire department bell is a component of a two-axled fire engine from the end of the 19th century. It was used to signal the right of way acoustically...
TThe tone sequence siren (German: Martinshorn) is a component of the fire engine/water tanker Magirus F Mercur 125, built in 1961. The vehicle was originally...
The tone sequence siren (German: Martinshorn) from around the year 2010 is a component from a patrol car of the city of Essen police department. In combination...
The tone sequence siren (German: Martinshorn) from around the year 2000 is a component from an unmarked police car of the city of Essen police department....
The tone sequence siren (German: Martinshorn) from around the year 2010 is a component from an unmarked police car of the city of Essen police department....
The tone sequence siren (German: Martinshorn) from around the year 2010 is a component from an unmarked police car of the city of Essen police department....
This siren was the one of the old Police communale. The "wail" setting may be used, which gives a long up and down variation, with an unbroken tone of...
There are two sirens, which can be activated by the car horn. The two sirens can be combined to attract more attention. This is the second one.
Before this police whistle from the 1980s was included in the historical collection of the Essen police, it had long been an integral part of the police...
The steam whistle of the steamboat “Nixe” from the year 1939 served as a means of communication through acoustic signals for the inland shipping industry....
Stuttgart 21 is one of the biggest construction projects in Germany. It includes the underground construction of a new central station for the city of...